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The Real Truth How I Increased Blog Traffic Rapidly!

April 5, 2016

Just after the office meeting, I realized there had to be something which needed to be done for increasing blog traffic. This New Year, the resolution is to find the best ways to generate blog traffic fast. After publishing a blog, it’s expected to have lots of shares and comments pouring in, but this did not happen for us. Competing with several other blog posts, it was actually a headache for the mangers to find out ways on how to increase blog traffic fast. Nevertheless, my team and I have done a deep thinking and come out with a few tactics which go a long way in increasing blog traffic significantly. Let’s get started with the practical and useful ideas, which are tried and tested by our team, thus have worked wonders for increasing our blog traffic.

It is a known fact that theory guides and experiments decide. My experiments are all guaranteed to be the best ways to generate blog traffic.

Catchy and informative headlines

Content is king and Google loves the article which gets clicked the maximum. The best way to get maximum visitors’ click for the article is to have an eye catching headline that’s impactful and encourages the all-important click! I made sure my blog posts had headlines which straddles between clarity and uniqueness, urging the visitor to click and go through the blog.

Short-sweet charm of meta description

Meta descriptions are short, but the impact it can have is huge. They have a communicative value. A punchy and emotive description is quite effective, as it instigates a higher rate of conversion. Being one of the essential tools of SEO, I made sure my meta descriptions had a magical touch, original essence and is keyword rich for increasing CTR (click through rate).

Eureka! I tried it and it increased my blog traffic tremendously.

Make webpage speed insanely fast

I realized that no matter how visually enriching and contextually enriching my content is, web page speed is crucial to attain success. Don’t we abandon the site that takes longer to load? Yes, we do it and moreover, researchers have studied more than 40% users abandon websites, if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. Every second lost causes a decrease of 7% in the conversion rates.

After a lot of brainstorming, my team came up with an excellent idea. We got rid of the extra plugins and replaced it with an W3 Total Cache for a faster loading web page. Other tools like Smush it and BJ Lazy Load was also used to compress images and make them load conditionally as the reader scrolls down to the bottom of the page. Guess what? This strategy worked and it did wonders to my blog posts and the traffic rate zoomed to a sky-high level.

Hire an SEO expert and get working

Nothing succeeds like success and in order to increase blog traffic significantly, it’s time to use relevant keywords in the content and make your SEO do all the hard work. That’s what my manager suggested me and I did the needful. With a keyword rich content, I was highly satisfied with the results, as it generated quality traffic to my blog. By the term “quality”, I mean people you are truly interested in my brand and product. This quality traffic generated leads and in turn my conversion rates also saw a striking improvement.

Answer questions and increase blog traffic

“People who help others, help themselves, too!” Sounds clinched! But it actually stands true and is quite effective I realized. Quora, Yahoo Answers, Askville are some popular Q & A sites, where visitors post their questions and seek answers to their queries. Helping them out with answers is a great service, but what surprised me was it can help in increasing blog traffic too. How? Well, we decided to give informative answers along with the blog link on the Q & A profiles.

The answers acted as teasers offering in-depth solutions on the blog posts. It was definitely a foolproof strategy for connecting our brand to the market, improving SEO and gaining in more meaningful, quality traffic that can turn into leads in the future.

Keep on, keeping on

I got to know that being regular and consistent with blog posts is the key to success. Nothing happens overnight and earning traffic for blog posts is no rocket science. Time, perseverance and consistency are the parameters needed for ensuring success in generating maximum blog traffic. So, I went on posting content regularly with consistency and with persistence the results were absolutely wonderful. My blog traffic increased and the results were an amazing revelation.

Nevertheless, there are some kooky ideas which we avoided at all costs. Experimentation does mean plunging into something new, but again, I learnt things which are to be avoided at all costs.

  • Quality content with bombastic English language and phrases is good, but Google loves informative articles and so does the readers. Therefore, keeping “content as the king”, we crowned “context as queen”. Making the content comprehensible is important, but the context too, needs to cover trending topics making the visitors’ proactive about the blog. Missing out on this point and making the article fancy and florid without information is a strict no-no.
  • Short keywords are best avoided. They are so common that the blog post may just get lost. I found that with the use of long tail keywords the pages rank easily, that is, increasing the magnitude of the traffic to the blog. Therefore, I started saying “no” to short keywords and concentrated on the longer ones.
  • Never write dated articles. It creates a shelf life. This was a learning experience for me. Articles should be evergreen and not be bound to any timeframe.
  • It’s foolish to avoid social media nowadays. Social media helped me immensely in boosting blog traffic and getting some valuable and updated information from the readers’ end. What I started doing was something unusual and the results were remarkable? I shared each of my posts multiple times on social media. Some marketers may call it spamming, but it worked for me, as it enlightened my readers with informational content repeatedly, so that it was embedded in their memory. Even the people who missed the initial communication caught up with it. Social media rocks and this platform can make your blog posts perform as a rock star!

Rintu Biswas is an SEO Expert at MyTasker, a professional SEO Company. He is extremely passionate about his work. He has been in the SEO Industry for 5 years.


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